Monday, September 8, 2014

Guinea Pig Facts
Which guinea pig is right for you: A rex/teddy is a domestic shorthair. You may have to brush it, but that’s fine. They are also very good with kids. This was the right one for me, but here is the link to an online test that shows you what type you want:
Guinea pig’s home: Fleece is the comfiest guinea pig bedding. You lay down about three pieces of cardboard, and a folded piece of fleece on top. DO NOT give your guinea pig woodchip bedding. There are chemicals in the wood that could make them sick or even kill them. is a ball that guinea pigs can roam around the house in. is an awesome sized cage for a guinea pig.
Guinea pig toys and supplies: Guinea pigs need hidey houses. This makes them feel safe and secure when they are scared. They also need toys to play with. Little balls of yarn and jingle bells tied together make great toys. They eat carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce. There are also special pellets they make for guinea pigs. As a treat I might suggest cucumbers and carrots especially.
Can I get just one guinea pig: You can as long as you spend 2 hours of one on one time with it. They love to feel your heart beat. You can hold it while you watch TV or set it in your lap while you’re on the computer. Be careful, though, because guinea pigs are extremely fragile and you can break their bones easily
How long can you leave your guinea pig alone: You cannot leave your guinea pig alone for more than two days. You can only leave it alone two days if it has enough water, enough food, and has never had escaping problems. Sometimes a guinea pig will knock over its food and the water bottles don’t always work properly, so you should probably leave it two bowls of food and two bottles of water. If you are leaving longer than two days, give it to someone you trust, and show them how to properly take care of it.

 How to bathe your guinea pig: You want to use baby shampoo to bathe your guinea pig so it doesn’t burn your guinea pigs eyes. Put the baby shampoo all along your guinea pigs back and the sides and the middle as well. Rub your hands on its skin, checking for anything unusual. Try not to get to much soap in your guinea pigs ears. Massage the feet and wash it under the armpit and the belly.

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